Cliquesteria Forum

ROI the best system for a prosperous future

Started by kakashiuchiha 2017-11-06 at 20:04
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Posts: 159
Received: $39.1900000
Balance: $0.0000000
Referrals: 0
People will continue to win, but instead of taking everything out at once, they will end up paying more.

an example for those who have the ROI above 220% if you take $ 10 you will only receive $ 2 and the other $ 8 will go to your purchase balance with what you can keep your referrals while your balance increases and when you spend the days limit you can return to charge that amount or even more to have a higher mebresia.

It is a completely normal method to ensure the profitability of a site because many like to eat the cake alone and not leave anything to others with this method open money for everyone and not only for the fat people who want to saturate everything.

Just think about the Clyquei Minister Premier and Founder can charge every 4.3, 2 days so the money will run out to them and harm others with this method will take the same amount but it will take a longer time and so the same for the others who invest to get double or triple in a short time now will get the same but it will take a longer time according to what they should. and if they want to accelerate they will only have to invest not to pay as others say since the money will still be theirs but in the system for mebresiasm ad packs and referrals.

A system like this guarantees the sustainability of a site for many years.

For all those who have not invested a single penny everything will remain the same, with the limit that the accounts have.

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